This week in the KEVI HWGA Newsletter:

  • Importance of Regular Attendance:
    • Regular attendance is crucial for both individual students and the entire class.
    • Absent students may struggle academically, find it hard to make friends, and face challenges in their future education and career.
    • Birmingham City Council strongly discourages pupil absence during term time.
  • Impact of Frequent Absence:
    • Missing even a few minutes each day accumulates to significant lost learning.
    • A 90% attendance rate means missing around 100 lessons in a school year.
  • For your calendar:
    • 27th 30th May 2024 – Half-term holidays
    • 3rd June 2024 – School re-opens for all year groups
    • 12th June 2024 – Parent Drop In – LGBTQIA+ (10:45 – 11:30)
    • 24th June 2024 – Parent Drop In – Summer Reading (10:45 – 11:30)
    • 9th July 2024 – Parent Drop In – Supporting Learning over the summer (10:45 – 11:30)
    • 15th July 2024 – Parent Drop In – Safeguarding (10:45 – 11:30)
  • Uniform Changes:
    • Blazers are no longer compulsory; jumpers remain part of the uniform.
    • Hoodies are not allowed on campus, and school coats should be simple without large logos.
  • Curriculum Family Guides:
    • Curriculum plans for each year group are available on the school website.
    • These guides help parents understand what subjects are taught each term.
  • HPL Parent information – Supporting your child with HPL at home.
  • Year 11 and Year 13 Masterclasses Schedule.
  • Upcoming Trips: Various trips are planned for different year groups, including Drayton Manor and Alton Towers.
  • Available SEN Workshops to help you support your child at school and home.
  • Health and Well-Being: Information on anxiety, iron deficiency, and healthy friendships is available.
  • Free School Meals: Register on Arbor for free school meals eligibility.
  • School News: Stay updated with school news via the website or social media.

Read all of this and more in the KEVI HWGA Newsletter for June 7th 2024 below:


Weekly Newsletter – 14 June…

This week in the KEVI HWGA Newsletter: Attendance Importance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success, maintaining friendships, and avoiding…

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