This week in the King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy Weekly Newsletter:

Here are the key points from the newsletter:

  • Attendance Importance: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success and social development. Term-time holidays are discouraged and can result in fines.
  • Dates for your calendar:
    • 15th July 2024 -10.45-11.30 am – Parent drop-in – Safeguarding
    • 17th July 2024 – Drayton Manor Rewards Trip Year 12
    • 18th July 2024 – School breaks for Summer Holidays at 2pm finish
    • 19th July 2024 – TEACHER TRAINING DAY
    • 22nd July 2024 – 2nd September 2024 School closed for summer holidays
    • 15th August 2024 – 8.30 -11.00 am A Level Results Day
    • 22nd August 2024 – 9.00-11.00 am GCSE Results Day and Sixth Form Enrolment
  • National Framework for Penalty Notices for School Absence – Please take the time to read the attached letter which has been put together by Birmingham City Council to inform all parents about the new national penalty notice framework which comes into effect on the 19th August 2024.
  • Upcoming Events: Important dates include the Drayton Manor Rewards Trip on July 17th, the start of summer holidays on July 18th, and A Level and GCSE results days in August.
  • Medication Kept in School –
    • With the end of the academic school year upon us, it is essential that all students return home with their medication.
    • Per the school policy, all student medication which has been brought onto school site needs to be collected by parents/ guardians before we break up for the summer holidays.
    • This is crucial as we are entering a new building, we do not want any medication getting lost in the transfer.
    • If there are any issues, please contact me at
  • Uniform and Policies: Reminders about school uniform expectations and policies on reporting absences and medication collection.
  • Donate your pre-loved uniforms to the school
  • Parental Involvement: Information on parent drop-in sessions, wellbeing club schedule changes, and opportunities for student volunteering and residential courses.

Read the full newsletter below:


Letter from the King Edward…

Please find attached a letter from the foundation to our parents detailing: New School Addition: King Edward…

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