As the final bell rings, signalling the end of another academic year, our school community buzzes with the excitement of summer holidays. It’s a time for relaxation, adventure, and the freedom to explore new interests. Our students have worked diligently, and now the long-awaited break provides a well-deserved respite. In this blog, we’ll share stories of summer exploits, tips for balancing rest with learning, and how to make the most of these sun-soaked weeks. Join us as we embark on a journey of rejuvenation and discovery during the summer holidays!

A message from Mr Riaz

Dear families,

As this term comes to an end so does my time as Headteacher at KEVI HWGA. After five years as Headteacher, I will be moving to a new role working with several schools as Executive Leader. It will be a different role and one I am looking forward to.

It has been the highlight of my career to have had the honour and privilege to lead this school and work in the city of my birth, Birmingham.

I feel there have been many changes and developments which have helped to ensure your daughter is receiving an exceptional quality of education. Here are a few:

You daughter now has a voice, and we encourage you to use it

We have developed supportive and responsive pastoral team which keeps your daughter safe

We are now a High-Performance Learning World Class School

Your daughter now can go on a range of trips, educational visits and work with external speakers and agencies and organisations

A student leadership team which are representative of all year groups

The wide range of committees, clubs and societies available

The opportunities to collaborate with other Foundation schools

Ensuring all students have their own device to support their learning both in and out of school

Access to state-of-the-art online resources to support your learning

A rich career education offer which matches your aspirations

HWGA is now one of the highest-achieving schools in Birmingham

However, the improvement I am most proud of is how so many of you embody and demonstrate our values every day: This can be seen by:

  • Scholarship – You love learning and mastering your subjects
  • Character – You are resilient and never give up
  • Community – You celebrate and embrace our diverse community

All of the above will become stronger when you move into the new school in September.

I look forward to hearing about your continued successes and achievements for many years to come.

Finally, all I can say is to work hard, believe in yourself and ensure whenever you leave HWGA you have the maximum amount of opportunities and options. I will leave the doors here one last time…

Creating a Self Plan

This booklet is designed to help young people in secondary schools or college manage their mental health and wellbeing. It provides a variety of self-care strategies, emphasizing the importance of finding what works best for each individual. The booklet encourages creating a self-care plan, which can be adapted over time, and highlights the significance of balancing physical, emotional, social, and practical activities. It also stresses that seeking help from trusted adults or support services is crucial when needed.

Highlights and Plans from the King Edward VI Foundation

The King Edward VI Foundation has had an exciting year, welcoming our 14th school and celebrating the achievements of our diverse schools. All 12 schools in the Academy Trust are now rated Good or Outstanding, with significant progress in disadvantaged students’ performance. The Foundation has fostered collaboration through various events and initiatives, and new leadership roles will further support this. Looking ahead, the Foundation remains committed to making Birmingham the best place for education in the UK.

Happy, Safe Summer – Reminder from West Midlands Police

The letter from King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy, in collaboration with West Midlands Police, provides important reminders for students and parents as the summer holiday approaches. It emphasizes personal safety, responsible social media use, and awareness of anti-social behaviour. The letter also highlights the dangers of swimming in reservoirs, carrying weapons, and illegal use of e-scooters and off-road bikes. The school and police aim to ensure students enjoy a safe and happy summer while staying out of trouble.

From Kooth

As we come up to the summer holidays, Kooth is still here to support young people aged 11-25 in Birmingham. We know that holidays away from school, peers and trusted adults can be a really difficult time for some young people. We sometimes see a surge in young people accessing support with us, especially being mindful of the current economic climate.

We are available over the holidays providing free support that is safe and anonymous.

Student device holiday rules

Your devices and school accounts will not work abroad. They will block themselves as we have told the system to not allow non-UK sign ins. If you are holidaying in the UK the system will also flag you and may block you as a risky user if it detects you all of a sudden logging in from a location it isn’t used to you using. I.e. if you start logging in from Aberdeen or France it will think you have been compromised and block your account and device.

Please do not take your school devices out of the country or on holiday.

Your devices and school accounts will not work abroad, they will block themselves as we have told the system to not allow non-UK sign ins.

Holiday Safeguarding Essentials

As the holiday season approaches, it’s crucial for students to be aware of the resources available to them for safeguarding and mental health support. This document provides essential information and guidance to ensure students can access help and support during the holidays, even when they are away from school.

  • Safeguarding Support: The document outlines various scenarios where students might need support, such as feeling lonely, confused about their sexuality or gender identity, or experiencing online harassment. It provides contact information for organizations like Kooth, Childline, and Mermaids UK.
  • Mental Health Resources: It emphasizes the importance of mental well-being and offers tips on how to stay connected, active, and engaged. Resources like BEAT for eating disorders and the Samaritans for immediate danger are highlighted.
  • Online Safety: Guidance is provided on how to handle online safety issues, including reporting incidents to CEOP and using the Police 101 Live Chat for non-emergencies.
  • Personal Safety: The document stresses the importance of contacting the police in cases of immediate danger and provides information on organizations like Refuge for domestic violence support.

National Framework for Penalty Notices for School Absence

Here are the key points from the letter:

  • New National Framework: From August 19, 2024, a new framework for penalty notices regarding school absences will be implemented to ensure consistency across England.
  • Penalty Notice Threshold: A penalty notice must be considered for ten sessions (five school days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling ten-week period.
  • Increased Penalty Rates: Penalty rates will increase to £160 if paid within 28 days and £80 if paid within 21 days. Repeat offences within three years will incur higher rates.
  • Limit on Penalty Notices: A maximum of two penalty notices can be issued to a parent for the same child within a three-year period, after which other legal interventions will be considered.