Dear Families

We are excited to welcome everyone back on Tuesday, 3rd September. As a reminder, please note that we will continue to use the current HWGA buildings, as our new building will be complete and ready for use in mid-September.

In preparation for this, please be reminded of our contingency plan, which includes two inset days during September. These will take place on Friday 13th September and Monday 16th September. Please make a note of these dates, as there will be no students on site during these days. This will allow us to move into the new building and prepare for our students. Following on from that, we will have a staggered return for different year groups. Please refer to the plan below:

On Tuesday, 3rd September, please ensure that students are on site and ready to learn by 8:35 am. School starts at 8:45 am, and students should check Arbor on their devices and go to their form rooms for Period 1 and 2. 

Year 7 students should arrive at 9:00 am on Tuesday, 3rd September, using the reception entrance to go to the hall. All students will be dismissed at 3:15 pm. For their first day, we suggest that Year 7 students use the main front gate, allowing us to support them with our transition buddies, who will be available, alongside our staff, to direct students to the right place.

Please also note that FSM students only will have free meals at lunchtime and does not include snacks at breaktime. You should provide snacks and a bottle of water for your child, as we are a water-only academy.

Parents, please be reminded that we have no parking or vehicular access to the site. You should adhere to the markings on the road and avoid blocking our entrances to ensure the safe entry of our students into school. Both the front and back of the school site will be open for students to enter. 

A reminder that mobile phones must be turned off and kept in bags at all times. Smartwatches and AirPods should not be on site. If they are needed for transport purposes, they should be stored in bags and not be visible.

We look forward to seeing you all soon and hope you have had a restful summer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the academy.

Your sincerely

Miss K Takhar

Deputy Headteacher


September 2024 Start

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to take the difficult decision to stagger the return of our…