Dear Families,

Firstly, I want to thank you for your cooperation and understanding this week regarding the weather conditions and the arrangements we have had to make.

These decisions are never easy. As a school, we have to assess the site, consider health and safety, account for the travel time of staff and students, and evaluate accessibility.

We also rely on external services to clear our vast site, and these services are understandably stretched when it snows.

We have received so much support from families; however, I have found that it is impossible to please everyone whether we decide to close, stay open, or operate for half a day.

We completely appreciate that parents and carers have their own jobs to get to. Please rest assured that we would only decide to close if it was necessary.

Once again, I want to thank you all for your understanding.

A special thank you goes to our students for showing concern for others, being safe, and acting responsibly while walking around the site.

We hope you have a good weekend, and we would like to remind you to ensure that we have your updated contact details in our system.

If your contact numbers or email addresses have changed, please contact the academy to update them

.Best wishes,

Senior Leadership Team

Absence disrupts the education of the individual pupil and the whole class. Are you aware those children who do not attend regularly:

  • miss out on opportunities in further education and the world of work?
  • do not achieve well in exams
  • find it difficult to maintain friendships
  • are more likely to become involved in crime

Please can we remind you to not contact your children during the school day on their devices. If you need to speak with your child for any reason, please contact the school reception and we can arrange for a message to be passed on.

PSHE/RSE Parental Consultation Meeting

Dear Families,

We are pleased to invite you to our annual PSHE/RSE Parental Consultation Meeting, which will take place on Thursday, 28th November 2004, from 9:00 am to 10:00 am in the library.

During this meeting, we will discuss the following:

  • PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education): Our approach to supporting students in developing important life skills.
  • RSE (Relationships and Sex Education): How we provide students with age- appropriate information and guidance in this key area.

We value your input and look forward answering any questions that you may have regarding these important areas of your child’s education.

If you would like to attend, please reserve your place by Friday 22nd November by completing the form here

Should you have any specific questions that you would like us to address, kindly include this on the booking form and we will be sure to cover these during the meeting.

We hope you will be able to join us.

Yours sincerely,


Mrs M Morgan

Associate Head Teacher for Behaviour & Climate.

Read more in our newsletter below:


Consultation on admissions arrangements 

Dear parent/carer,  We are writing to inform you that we are consulting on our proposed admissions arrangements for the 2026/2027…

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