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Key Stage 3

The aim of Key Stage 3 Textiles curriculum is, using creativity and imagination, for pupils to design and make products to develop their practical skill set and methods of investigation. Students acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering and art. Pupils have access to a wide variety of different materials and processes with a small selection of those being: felting, sewing machines, stitching techniques, and printing methods. Through practical lessons, students will learn to use a range of techniques in hand embroidery such as, running stitch, blanket stitch and back stitch. This will develop their proficiency in handling thread and materials.

Students will develop a critical understanding of products and their impact on daily life and the wider world. They will research the work of other designers / artists and participate in many class discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of their works. The knowledge of other designers and their products will shape and inspire how students analyse and evaluate their own artwork.

In year 9, students will create work with a similar structure to a GCSE project, following the OCR exam board outline. Their project will be a connecting theme to the KS4 first project which will allow for a natural transition from KS3 to KS4 for students considering this creative route at GCSE.


Year 7 – Kawaii Dolls project.

Year 8 – Felted Confectionery project.

Year 9 – Sea Life project.

Key Stage 4

Exam Board: OCR Textiles Design J174

GCSE Textiles provides an opportunity for students who take an interest in a creative outlet to study an exciting and stimulating course to grow and develop as Textile artists. Learners can have the opportunity to gain insight into a Textile artist’s practice, experiment and take risks with a range of different media, materials and processes and develop their own style.

GCSE Textiles aims to equip students with a range of valuable and transferable skills. Students will advance their proficiency in handling materials and develop technical skills learning about a broad range of techniques. They will develop knowledge and understanding of Textiles in historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures through research, debate and discussion.

Course Layout

Coursework (Portfolio) Weighting- 60%

Internally set task and marked internally – Out of 120 marks.

Component 01: Portfolio

Students produce a portfolio of practical work showing their personal response to a set starting point, brief, scenario or stimulus. The portfolio may be presented in appropriate formats for the specification title they are following and chosen area of study, including sketchbooks, digital presentations, mounted sheets, or illustrated written work. The portfolio must provide evidence that the student has met all four assessment objectives. Students will pull together all their research to create a resolved final piece of work which will conclude their investigations. Their final pieces are able to take the form of a range of different outcomes, including but not limited to: clothing, weaving, wall hangings, accessories, large scale embroidery pieces, etc. The current project is exploring the theme of Water which allows for students to branch out to explore a wider variety of different, personal, topics.

Exam (Externally Set Task) Weighting- 40%

Externally set task with 10-hour exam and moderated externally – Out of 80 marks.

Component 02: Externally set task Students respond to one of five themes, each with a range of written and visual starting points and stimuli. Students research, plan and develop ideas for their response to the option they have chosen, following the same structure as their portfolio project but over a shortened period of time. Students will then resolve their research during the ten-hour supervised time examination by creating a final piece, summarising their investigations into their chosen theme.

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