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Curriculum Vision

Drama and Performing Arts are vital to our academy. It allows pupils to develop their confidence and creativity while exploring vital topics experienced in our modern, multicultural world. The aim of our curriculum is:

  • To promote collaboration and teamwork in and out of lesson and good social wellbeing– Community.
  • To build confidence, and rewarding that confidence however small it may be – Character.
  • To broaden students cultural capital, by creating new experiences though a well sequences curriculum- Scholarship.

Our curriculum explores drama under many different headings. We encourage pupils to express themselves in a number of ways using performance as a tool. We feel it is important for pupils to use their voices every day and to develop strong communication skills. Pupils also have the opportunity to watch drama pieces created by other pupils in school and evaluate the work. As a department we aim to develop pupils’ emotional maturity by understanding characters that are experiencing scenarios relevant to young girls living in society today.

Aside from the curriculum content pupils also have many opportunities to take part in drama outside of the classroom, from the school production to the talent show, to being part of our stage crew; the options are designed to give all pupils the chance to develop life skills for their future.

We feel proud of the standard of work we create, perform and take everything we do very seriously. We also feel proud that we are developing young artists of the future, nurturing their talent for future generations.

How parents can help

We keep parents up to date on how their daughter is progressing in drama, through both the curriculum and during extra-curricular projects. Where possible parents are invited to watch both examination and performance work which pupils may be involved in. As the new exam syllabus for GCSE Drama has come into place there is a greater emphasis on the understanding of our subject, through written papers and reviews of live theatre. Pupils will have the opportunity to visit theatres and watch performance work. Parents’ support in extra rehearsals, trips and revision of written papers will ensure their daughters’ success in this subject.


Key Curriculum Priorities:

Pupils study drama one lesson a week throughout KS3. The priorities are the assessment objectives linked directly to the GCSE studied at KS4. These objectives sit under three headings:

1) Understanding Drama

2) Devising Drama

3) Texts in Practice

All schemes taught in KS3 are linked to these key components at KS4, to assist the best outcomes should pupils opt to study Drama at GCSE level.

Alongside these learning objectives we also recognise the significance of our subject in developing key skills for life in our young people:

1) Communication

2) Confidence

3) Empathy for others

4) Understanding of the world

5) Organisation

6) Focus

7) Leadership

8) Creativity

We are proud that many of the girls studying drama also become head girls, leaders and peer mentors in school.


Key Stage 4

At KS4 pupils can opt to study GCSE Drama, as part of a broad curriculum. Our current exam board is AQA.

Teaching and Learning

Pupils learn through doing primarily in drama. We explore many different scenarios that we feel will develop pupils understanding not only of drama but of the world in which we live. Lessons are practically based, with written logs, reviews and evaluations. We aim to make our lessons stimulating in order to create an inquisitive environment where the girls feel safe to express themselves and explore their potential.

Home study

Home study is set every lesson at KS3 and according to the timetable and exam requirements at KS4. In drama home study is a mix of both practical and written work. At KS4 pupils’ home study is heavily focused on rehearsal, with commitment required for lunchtime and after school rehearsals.


At KS3 formative assessment is continuous, with pupils receiving both peer and teacher feedback during lessons. Summative assessment is given each half term in pupil’s books, following the Assessment Objective Grid. Assessment tasks are a mix of both practical and written work.

At KS4 assessment is heavily linked to the requirements of the exam syllabus. The GCSE in Drama contains two primarily practical units, where pupils explore a range of performance ideas. Pupils also have a written exam paper at the end of the course.

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