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Students have the opportunity to extend their learning beyond A Levels through our wide and varied enrichment programme. These activities help students stand out from the crowd when applying for further study or employment in the future.  The activity is timetabled on Wednesday, with some options gaining qualifications and UCAS points. The aim is to support students, and help generate experiences that will allow them to develop as a person, in order to be better prepared for their next steps.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

The Extended Project qualification supports learners with the transition to higher education or into the world of work.  It give students the opportunity to develop critical, reflective, problem-solving and independent learning skills through the planning, research and evaluation of a self-selected project, resulting in one of four project outcomes: dissertation, investigation, performance or artefact. An EPQ is equivalent to half an A Level (28 UCAS points).

Certificate in Financial Studies (CeFS)

The course encourages students to become responsible borrowers and sensible savers, and to appreciate the need for financial planning. It prepares students for further study by developing the core skills of critical analysis and evaluation, verbal communication and written communication. CeFS has been accredited by Ofqual at Level 3 and is part of the Regulated Qualifications Framework.

Community Apprentice

Community Apprentice projects will play an important role in students own personal development. Working as part of a team, students leave a lasting impact on the academy through choosing an area of the academy which needs attention. Each community work project comprises of a team which has various leaders, enabling students to develop communication and leadership skills.


Studying media helps develop critical thinking skills and has strong links to a range of subjects. Students will study media messages and how media communicate ideas and ideologies by turning to fields such as psychology, sociology, and rhetoric. Students will also gain the opportunity to create their own media products and set up a Sixth Form newsletter.


Art enrichment will engage, inspire and challenge students to experiment and create their own works of Art. Students will learn about the basic principles of art (line, pattern, texture, colour, tone, shape, form and colour) and how to apply them in a range of different materials. Through art, students will explore how to visually express their ideas and experiences and become familiar with using the language of art and design when discussing these.


Spanish and English are languages appearing on all five continents. Wherever you are, if you speak both, you have a good chance to be understood! Multilingual people, are skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure, this “juggling” skill makes them good multitaskers. Spanish and English are culturally and conceptually complementary and are the main official working languages of most international organisations.


German has the largest number of native speakers in the European Union (far more than English, Spanish, or French). German and English are similar. Many words in German sound or look the same as equivalent English words, because the two languages share the same “grandparent.” For example, look at these words: Haus = house, Buch = book, Finger = finger. German is the second most commonly used scientific language. Germany is the third largest contributor to research and development and offers research fellowships to scientists from abroad.

Core Maths

Core Maths is for students who study A Level Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics without A Level Mathematics. Core Maths is about students doing meaningful mathematical problems to increase their confidence in using mathematics to be better equipped for the mathematical demands of other courses, higher education and employment. This is equivalent to half an A Level and UCAS points can be achieved upon successful completion.

Health and Social Care Placement

This is for students studying Health & Social Care only. Placements form an important part of the Health and Social Care course. Our placements are with wide range of organisations, which will help you gain a wealth of experience to boost you gain valuable employability skills. Students are supported on these placements by our Aspirations Leader and Health and Social Care teachers.

Clubs and Societies

As well as focusing on your academic success, you can take part in an exciting programme of student development and fun activities to help you broaden your experience, encourage your interests and support your well-being.


Medicine Society

Maths Society

Sports and Games

Football Club

Dance Club

Cricket Club

Handball Club Chess Club


    Diverse and Inclusive Book Club


Arts and Crafts

Creative Writing

Textiles Club

Drama Club 

Cooking Club

Anime Club


Well-being Club

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