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Curriculum Vision

The core purpose of our study of Sociology at KEVI HWGA is to invoke curiosity and enthuse a concern for society, as an overarching unification of all studies of humanity, by:​

  • ​Enabling students to successfully navigate through everyday life as effective citizens in a global society.​
  • ​Engaging students with the knowledge and understanding of contemporary social issues, while allowing them to develop critical thinking skills to investigate solutions.​
  • ​Promoting fundamental British Values through evaluation of the behaviours and opportunities that shape an individual’s social class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, disability and age.​

Sociology is an interesting and relevant subject that can enable students to successfully navigate through everyday life. It helps students develop a wide range of knowledge and understanding about the ever-changing global society that they live in. The study of Sociology is underpinned by acquiring an understanding of exploring different theories which question how society is structured; and explore the reasons and solutions for social problems on both a national and global scale. Engaging students with the knowledge and understanding of contemporary social issues develops critical thinking skills that our beneficial in higher education and adulthood.   ​

​Sociology also promotes fundamental British Values through evaluation of the behaviours and opportunities that shape an individual’s social class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, disability and age.  It encourages students to develop an appreciation of diversity, tolerance and choice. Sociology students will progress with transferable skills such as, effective verbal and written communication by utilising a range of sociological research methods and analysing quantitative and qualitative data. These skills along with the knowledge and understanding of topics learnt media, crime and deviance, families, education and social stratification allow students to evaluate the social world and our behaviour in it. Overall, studying Sociology will lead students to active citizenship as they evolve into critically thinking, well-rounded members of society.​


Key Stage 5

Qualification: AQA Sociology A Level (7192)

Year 12 and Year 13 students will learn:

Core Topics:

-Education, Research Methods and Sociological Theory; and Crime and Deviance

Option Topics:

-Families and Households and The Media.

The course is assessed with three written papers – Education with Theory and Methods, Topics in Sociology and Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods. Each paper is a duration of 2 hours, a total of 80 marks with each worth 33.3% of the A-level.

You will learn about the impact of social groups including whole societies and international and global groups. Examples of areas you will consider include the relationship of the family to the social structure, domestic labour and power relationships, the nature of childhood, demographic trends, the role and purpose of education, differential educational achievement of social groups by social class, gender and ethnicity in contemporary society, relationships and processes in schools (with particular reference to teacher / pupil relationships, educational policies, application of sociological research to the study of education.

You will also find out about different theories of crime, deviance, social order and social control with analysis of the social distribution of crime by age, ethnicity, gender, locality and social class.  Crime control, prevention and punishment.

Students must study the following core themes to successfully direct them through the course: socialisation, culture, identity, social differentiation, power, globalisation and stratification. These themes are to be interpreted broadly as threads running through many areas of social life and should not therefore be regarded as discrete topics. In addition, students must understand the significance of conflict and consensus, social structure and social action and the role of values.

How students will learn?

Teacher-led classroom teaching including lectures and Power Point presentations, Individual tasks, group work, problem solving and research projects. Home study is set regularly to assess knowledge and understanding along with past exam questions and essay writing. Personal study through the internet, Student Zone and independent learning is essential in preparation for university education or working life.

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