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What is AI and how can it be used?

Artificial intelligence (or AI) is technology that enables a computer to think or act in a more “human” way. It achieves this by processing information from its surroundings and making decisions based on what it learns or senses.

AI is already in many households and online interactions, for example:

Virtual Assistants:

  • Examples: Google AssistantSiri, and Amazon Alexa.
  • These AI-powered tools respond to questions, complete tasks, and interact with humans. You can control lights, thermostats, and speakers through voice commands.

Smart Home Devices:

  • These devices use AI techniques to enhance convenience and efficiency.
  • For example the Echo Dot by Amazon, which pairs with lights, thermostats, and speakers, allowing voice-controlled interactions.

Robot Vacuum Cleaners:

  • These smart devices use AI algorithms to navigate and clean your home autonomously.

Smart Thermostats and Meters:

  •  AI-driven thermostats optimize energy usage based on your preferences and occupancy patterns.

AI Television:

  • Some smart TVs use AI to enhance picture quality, recommend content, and personalize your viewing experience.

As a parent, it’s essential to be aware of the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the potential risks your child may encounter while using and interacting with AI tools. Let’s explore a few common tools and what you need to know:

1. ChatGPT

  • Description: ChatGPT is a well-known AI tool integrated into platforms like Microsoft 365.
  • Function: It responds to text prompts provided by users.
  • Age Restrictions: Users under 13 cannot register for a ChatGPT account.
  • Safety Measures: When used in applications for children, appropriate filters can protect young users.
  • Parental Guidance: Always supervise your child’s use of ChatGPT to ensure safe interactions.


  • Description: DALL-E, created by OpenAI, generates detailed and realistic images based on text prompts.
  • Age Limit: Users must be over 13, and those under 18 require parental permission.
  • Image Control: DALL-E lacks control over the images it creates, so inappropriate or unsafe content is possible.
  • Alternative: Consider using the filtered version of the Canva app for creating AI images.
  • Supervision: Parents or guardians should supervise any use of DALL-E.

3. Google Gemini

  • Description: Google Gemini is an AI chat tool available to users over 18.
  • Functions: It generates text, translates languages, and assists with creative content and answering questions.
  • Parental Awareness: Google emphasizes that this tool is for adults.

4. MyAI


  • MyAI is a chatbot available on Snapchat.
  • It is based on the ChatGPT model and allows users to engage in conversations.

User Restrictions:

  • Snapchat restricts users from joining the platform before they turn 13.
  • To comply with safety measures, MyAI has safeguards in place to prevent violent, hateful, sexually explicit, or otherwise dangerous responses.

Potential Limitations:

  • Despite these safeguards, some responses from MyAI may still be:
    • Biased
    • Incorrect
    • Harmful
    • Misleading
  • This is because machine learning relies on content available online, which is created by humans from various sources.

Parental Guidance:

  • It is advisable to use MyAI with your child.
  • Encourage them to think critically about the responses they receive.

Using AI to help with your school and homework

When utilizing AI for schoolwork and homework, consider it as if you were reading a book or conducting a web search. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid Direct Copying:
    • Copying content directly from an AI tool is considered plagiarism.
    • Tools exist to check written work for plagiarism, including content generated by AI.
  2. Referencing Conversations:
    • If you’ve asked a question to an AI tool and use its response in your homework or coursework, treat it like a reference.
    • Copy the conversation into a printable document and cite it similarly to how you would reference a website.
  3. AI for Revision:
    • AI is a powerful tool for revision.
    • You can ask it to set recall questions, answer them, and then compare your answers to those provided by the tool.

Remember, responsible use of AI enhances learning and understanding! 📚🤖

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