In this issue of the King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls Academy Summer Post 2024:

  • Message from Mr. Riaz: Mr. Riaz is stepping down as Headteacher after five years and moving to a new role. He reflects on the school’s achievements and expresses gratitude for the support received.
  • Upcoming Events: Important dates include:
    • the start of summer holidays on July 18th,
    • A Level Results Day on August 15th, and
    • GCSE Results Day on August 22nd.
  • Student Achievements: Highlights include students’ participation in various trips, events, and competitions, such as the KESMUN 2024, Franco-History Trip to La Somme, and the Keele University Earth Summit.
  • School Updates: Information on uniform reminders, school attendance, free school meals, and the progress of the new school building.

Over the Summer

As the final bell rings, signalling the end of another academic year, our school community buzzes with the excitement of…