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The first term at school has now come to an end and has been quite a uniquely weird experience for many students than what we anticipated. The school did have several year groups going into isolation, and unfortunately there was a circuit breaker for the whole school in November, due to the accumulating number of Covid cases.  However, different initiatives and online learning facilities have made this situation a lot more collaborative and adequate for us as students. 

The worldwide pandemic has negatively affected us all, with students such as ourselves as some of the most impacted individuals. With vital exams looming, the school put in all endeavours to ensure no one was deprived of their learning. Every student was supplied with a Chromebook, with access to multitudinous academic platforms, the most substantial one being Microsoft Teams. This technology aided us to consistently learn in collaboration with teachers and other students. Through this, we were able to still attend our lessons (though, off course virtual) to help us with our progress and allow us to reach full potential. 

Teams is an extremely useful programme, which we were able to benefit from, by effectively communicating with our teachers and gaining access to all work and PowerPoints. It is widely and easily accessible by everyone within the academy and teachers are able to facilitate a good learning environment, despite the limitations of being at home. Aside from Teams, other functional and practical educational platforms that KEVI HWGA have provided us access to are Seneca Learning, Hegarty Maths and Educake, all allowing students to address any gaps in knowledge and make notes.  

Conclusively, in these laborious and unprecedented situations, the school has applied all effort to assist each and every student in their academics and learning. 

Maryam Fiaz – 11H 

Fatima Chaudhry – 11H

Sixth Form Application

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