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Curriculum Vision

Curriculum Aims

Our curriculum will reflect our academy values: scholarship – character – community, and drive us in our mission to unlock a thirst for learning for all to successfully access an ever-changing world.

We explicitly learn through advanced cognitive performance characteristics in our curriculum alongside sequenced declarative and procedural knowledge.

We ensure students are able to remember and apply knowledge readily and in different contexts through deliberate practice.

We actively foster the performance values, attitudes and attributes in our curriculum alongside our character education programme.

Our curriculum is coherent and reflective of the local community, its rich cultural heritage and diversity.

We never tell our students they cannot achieve; it is just they are not doing it yet but with practice and perseverance it will happen.

Our curriculum will reflect our academy values: scholarship – character – community, and drive us in our mission to unlock a thirst for learning for all to successfully access an ever-changing world.

Increasingly strong academic results year-on-year leading to good post school destinations.

Well-motivated and engaged students; school-ready, college-ready, work-ready and life ready.

Effective citizens that have the cultural capital to be successful, socially mobile and proud of their achievements.

As a High Performance Learning School we use the Advanced Cognitive Performance characteristics (ACPs) to unlock the core knowledge within each unique subject.  Linked to our value of scholarship, the ACPs are used in lessons to ensure that students know how to think about what they are learning and are able to use their disciplinary knowledge and think like scientists, mathematicians and historians.  If a student is making some predictions during a science experiment they will be using the ACP – connection finding to generate some thoughts on what might happen next.  If a student is debating in English, they will use the ACP – intellectual confidence to ensure they are able to rationalise their argument with knowledge and experience.  The Values, Attitudes, Attributes are the foundations to the quality of education, which our curriculum is built upon.  Our academy values of character and community underpin these foundations and are central to our beliefs and ethos.  The VAAs can be seen being discussed in and outside of lessons where students show how they behave as a HWGA student and member if our wider community.  A student who asks questions, takes interest in life beyond the classroom and maybe gets involved in student council will be showing the VAA – Confident and Enquiring.  A student that overcomes obstacles and set backs is showing perseverance. 

Curriculum Family Guides

These booklets are for families and students to see what learning is planned throughout the year in each subject.

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