The core purpose of studying mathematics at KEVI HWGA are to ensure students: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately, can solve problems and reason mathematically and learn to appreciate the importance of mathematics in their day-to-day lives.
Maths Mastery
Foundation: OCR GCSE J560
Higher: Pearson GCSE 1MA1
Students will follow a mastery approach to gain a deeper understanding of each topic with a unique unit structure, which has built-in differentiation to tackle the increase in demand of GCSE mathematics.
Strengthen – Not confident? Need more practice? Students practise the topic more with hints and tips to help them
Extend – Performed well? Feeling confident? Students extend their learning with more breadth and depth.
Pearson A-Level Mathematics 9 MA0
The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to; understand mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence, fosters enjoyment and provides a strong foundation for progress to further study, to construct mathematical proofs and use their mathematical skills and techniques to solve challenging problems that require them to decide on the solution strategy. To apply mathematics in other fields of study and be aware of the relevance of mathematics to the world of work and to situations in society in general.
Year 1 – AS Mathematics content: Pure Mathematics and Applied (Statistics and Mechanics), start A-Level
Year 2 – Remaining A level Mathematics content: Pure and Applied (Statistics and Mechanics)
Level 2 Maths resit students will follow a bespoke 1 year SOW to achieve an improved grade (4 minimum)