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Curriculum Vision

The core purpose of the study of Modern Foreign Languages at KEVI HWGA is:

  • To equip students with the skills needed to communicate in a foreign language.
  • To develop students’ confidence in their ability to communicate.
  • To provide students with opportunities to discover the culture of other countries.
  • To encourage students to enjoy and value language learning.
  • To encourage students to value and develop their home languages.


At KS3, students are introduced to the basic vocabulary and grammar required to begin to communicate with others in French using speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. An interest in the language and culture of France and French-speaking countries is also developed through the study of the topic areas.

In year 9, students are also given the opportunity to study Spanish alongside French.

At KS4, students will further develop their confidence in communicating effectively in French/Spanish using the speaking, listening, reading and writing skills that they began developing at KS3. They will work within the GCSE contexts to develop their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, and their understanding of French/Spanish culture will also be developed through the study of these themes.

Key Stage 3

The following areas are covered at KS3:

Year 7

  • Introductions
  • Talking about myself
  • My school
  • My hobbies
  • My area
  • Holidays

Year 8

  • Leisure
  • In Paris
  • My identity
  • At home
  • Travel
  • Talents

Year 9

  • My social life
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Future plans
  • Holidays
  • My world
  • Global issues

Key Stage 4

French GCSE Exam Board: AQA

Course Structure: this is a 2 year course which is divided into 4 Units; Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.

Assessment: 100% examination (listening 25%, reading 25%, speaking 25%, writing 25%)

Course themes:

Identity and Culture

Local, national, international and global areas of interest

Current and future study and employment

How Parents Can Help

Parents can support their children in the following ways:

  • Provide them with a quiet area to complete homework
  • Encourage them to learn vocabulary at home and test them on it when necessary
  • Check homework tasks are completed
  • Encourage them to use recommended languages websites at home

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