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The British Psychological society – The resources and information found on this site are designed to help you learn about psychology, the work that psychologists do and the ethical guidelines they follow.

Psych Central– Produces daily news, psychological testing, quizzes and information on psychological conditions.

Psychology today UK- – Psychology Today is devoted exclusively to everybody’s favourite subject: Ourselves. On the site, they have gathered a group of renowned psychologists, academics, psychiatrists and writers to contribute their thoughts and ideas on what makes us tick.

Research Digest They digest at least one new psychology study every weekday. Published by the British Psychological Society since 2005, this blog aims to demonstrate that psychological science is fascinating and useful while also casting a critical eye over its methods.

Simply psychology- -Complete Guide to Psychology for Students, Educators & Enthusiasts. You can find psychology articles, student resources and learn about the theories and perspectives that have shaped the discipline.

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