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Our whole school community is committed to educational excellence and we look through the lens of HPL when making leadership decisions for our students.  Our HPL journey to accreditation is underway and our roadmaps for the 2 years of adoption show how we have planned our unique journey at KEVI HWGA.

Drive Teams

We have a staff and student HPL Drive Team that work to ensure that our roadmaps are implemented and shape next steps for our HPL journey.  Our student HPL Ambassadors meet weekly to discuss how the framework is being embedded within our curriculum and discuss their understanding of the ACPs and the VAAs.

Our Staff HPL Drive Team is made up of 19 colleagues ranging from ECTs, Support Staff, Pastoral and Curriculum staff.  We collaborate on a TEAMS site where we share ideas and enact our action plan together.  Within the staff drive team we have a smaller steering group made up of the HPL Lead, Director of Character Education and a Lead Practitioner in English.  The Steering Group have been responsible for setting the vision, climate and rolling out our HPL action plan with the whole staff.

Please see the first student launch that we created for our whole school community during a day off time-table exploring the philosophy and framework in action. Some of the resources from this launch day are available in our Downloads section below.

Our Student Drive Team is made up of students from Year 7-13 who applied for their positions on the group.  Mrs Amin who is part of the Staff Drive Team leads the group in understanding the framework and supporting other students to use the cognitive skills within their learning.  The team meet weekly and produce the HPL Hub termly where they are the editors, interviewers and proof-readers of the newsletter.  Please see the first two editions from this academic year.

Our Student Drive Team were invited to speak at the Annual Conference at Warwick University in March 2022 where they presented to delegates our HPL journey through the lens of the students.  They continue to amaze us and have lots of ideas on how to further develop HPL in the future.

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