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Hello everyone,

Welcome to KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy! We’re thrilled to have you joining us for this exciting transition from primary school to secondary school.

We understand that this can be a mix of emotions for many of you. It’s natural to feel excited about the new opportunities and experiences that await you, but it’s also okay to feel a little nervous or uncertain. Rest assured, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Our goal with this webpage is to provide you with all the information and resources you need to feel prepared and confident as you embark on this new chapter of your educational journey. While we’re still updating the page to make sure we cover everything, we encourage you to check back regularly for the latest updates.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help and are looking forward to meeting each and every one of you during our Induction events in July and beyond.

Take care, and see you soon!

Miss K Takhar

Assistant Headteacher – Pastoral Care and Student Welfare

Preparing for Secondary School

To help you prepare for Secondary School, we have put together some useful information that will provide you with ideas of what you can do to support your planning.

Feelings about Starting Secondary School

There will be mixed feelings about starting Secondary School. This clip presents the perspective of one student on her feelings, concerns and how she prepared herself:

10 Tips for Starting Secondary School

You may have seen many tips or have been given some advice, to inform you of what you can do to prepare for starting Secondary School. Have a look at the tips provided, to see whether you have considered all of these also. How many of these will you use?

Young Minds – Find Your Feet – Transitioning to Secondary School

Explore this clip to find out how some students felt when they were starting Secondary School. Do you have the same questions?

My New Secondary School

Here is a little research task for you!!

When you attend in July, complete the locations to identify where each area is and see if you can locate all of these independently. Once you have completed this, you will be able hand these into your Form Tutor. Good Luck!!

My Goals for Starting Secondary School

Have you thought about setting yourself goals for September? Have a look at some of the ideas presented, to see what goals you may wish to choose as begin your new journey in Year 7.


When you join us here at the Academy, you will be provided with one of our newly designed rucksacks, along with a pencil case and stationery set. This resource presents some of the items that you will need, you may wish to include more than this, so that you are fully equipped and ready to engage in a range of learning tasks.

Starting Clubs at Secondary School

There will be many enrichment clubs that you will be able to join at the Academy. This is a great way for you to develop new skills or even your current skills and also meet new friends and teachers.

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