Please check out our Letters to Parents page to see the magic breakfast offer, which is open to all our students. Deadline for returns is…
>Please check out our Letters to Parents page to see the magic breakfast offer, which is open to all our students. Deadline for returns is…
>We strongly encourage all students to wear face masks/coverings during break times and lunch times. Please provide your daughter with a mask/covering to support this.
>The government has issued guidance for parents in preparation for schools re-opening. Please take some time to read through this. 2020.08.24-_Schools_Secondary_A4LeafletDownload…
>Good GCSE Results Maintained In Uncertain Times King Edwards VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy (KEVI HWGA) are very proud to announce that our students have…
>Please see these documents in relation to the appeals process for A Level and GCSE results. Appeals-Guidance-FINAL-v2Download…
>This document acts as a simple guide for parents/carers and students regarding summer 2020 A Level and GCSE results. KeyDoc_-_summer_2020_exam_results_-_pupil_and_parent_factsheetDownload…
>The Government has announced that students will receive Centre Assessed Grades (CAG) for A level results this summer. If students’ calculated grades were higher than…
>We are very proud of our Year 13 students who, despite the unprecedented circumstances, have done really well. 62% of students gained a grade C…
>Please take some time to read our end of year newsletter that includes a message from the Head Teacher, goodbye messages for our Y11s and…