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What is the appeal and what are the risks

The appeal

The appeal of social media lies in its multifaceted nature, drawing people in for various reasons. Let’s explore some aspects that make social media enticing:

  • Authenticity and Relatability: Social media platforms allow individuals to express their true selves, sharing both triumphs and struggles. Users appreciate content creators who are genuine, unfiltered, and relatable.
  • Immediate Connection: Social media bridges geographical gaps, enabling instant communication with friends, family, and even strangers. Whether through posts, comments, or direct messages, users can connect effortlessly.
  • Entertainment and Escapism: Social media offers a constant stream of entertainment: memes, videos, and captivating stories. It serves as an escape from daily routines, providing a brief respite from reality.
  • Community and Belonging:Users find like-minded communities where they can share interests, hobbies, and passions. Being part of a virtual tribe fosters a sense of belonging and validation.
  • Creativity and Self-Expression: Platforms encourage creativity through photos, videos, and written content. Users can showcase their talents, hobbies, and unique perspectives.
  • Information and News: Social media delivers real-time updates on global events, trends, and news. Users stay informed and engage in discussions on topics that matter to them.
  • Nostalgia and Memory Sharing: Users revisit old photos, reminisce about past experiences, and celebrate milestones. Sharing memories with others reinforces connections.
  • Validation and Recognition: Likes, comments, and shares provide instant validation. Recognition from peers boosts self-esteem and reinforces positive behaviour.
  • Curiosity and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): Social media fuels curiosity by exposing users to diverse content. FOMO drives engagement, as users fear missing out on exciting updates.

The risks

Parents should be aware of the following key points regarding social media:

  • Privacy and Sharing: Understand privacy settings to control who can see your child’s posts and personal information. Encourage children to think before they share and to keep personal details private.
  • Online Interactions: Be aware of who your children are interacting with online. Encourage open communication about their social media friends and followers.
  • Cyberbullying: Recognize the signs f cyberbullying and know how to respond if your child is affected. Teach your child to report and block bullies.
  • Time Management: Set reasonable limits on social media use to prevent overuse and ensure it doesn’t interfere with sleep, homework, and offline activities.

It’s important for parents to stay informed and involved in their children’s online presence to help them navigate social media safely and responsibly

Which Social Media sites and Apps are your children likely to be using?

  • YouTube: Widely used by teenagers, 95% of teens are active on YouTube.
  • TikTok: Approximately 67% of teens use TikTok.
  • Instagram: About 60% of teens are on Instagram.
  • Snapchat: Also popular, Snapchat is used by around 59% of teens.
  • Facebook: Although less dominant among teens, 69% still use Facebook.
  • Twitter: A smaller share of teens (around 23%) use Twitter.
  • WhatsApp: Approximately 17% of teens use WhatsApp.
  • Reddit: A minority of teens (about 14%) are active on Reddit.
  • Tumblr: Only a small percentage (around 5%) use Tumblr.
  • LinkedIn: While not as popular among teens, some may use LinkedIn.

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