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King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy
Church Lane
B20 2HL

Telephone : 0121 554 8122

For queries please email the address below, Mrs D Pear (Head’s PA) will ensure emails are forwarded to the most appropriate person.



Headteacher – Mr Q Riaz

Statutory information and policies - main body of the school logo

Please note that you can request paper copies of any of our policies or information available on the website. Please contact the academy using the email address or by calling the academy telephone number and request the information you require.

Reception is open from 8:00am to 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday

Compulsory attendance is from 8:45am to 3:15pm

Mrs S Dennis – Assistant Head – Student Welfare & Wellbeing

Miss E Jones – Safeguarding Manager (Deputy)

Mrs A Dingwall – Pastoral Care Manager (2nd Deputy Y7-Y11)

Miss K Draper – Pastoral Manager (2nd Deputy Y12 & Y13)

Miss A Liaqat – Pastoral Leader (3rd Deputy Y7-11)

King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy is part of the King Edward VI Multi Academy Trust
King Edward VI Academy Trust Birmingham
Foundation Office, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2UD
Tel: 0121 472 1147

Admissions Page

Admissions Policy

Use this link to view the school uniform webpage

We collect pre-loved uniforms throughout the year, to access the ‘Preloved Uniform’ shop please contact the Pastoral team here.

School Ofsted Reports can be located on the school website – click here

Click on the link to see the School’s reports on the OFSTED Website

School Performance Webpage

Average A level GradeD
Average Vocational GradeDistinction minus
Grades between A* and C37%

The academy’s overall pass rate was 84%  

Attainment 849 points
Progress 80.49 (above average)
Grade 7+ in English and Maths16% of students
Grade 5+ in English and Maths49% of students
Grade 4+ in English and Maths69% of students
EBacc strong pass9%
  • 27% of grades were at grade seven or higher. 
  • Students receiving free school meals achieved on average grade 5 per subject 
  • 40 science students achieved double grade 7 or higher 

School performance can be viewed here

Information about the content of the curriculum for each subject and any other additional information including the curriculum policy can be accessed via the school website at: Curriculum

Curriculum Policy

RSE Policy

Accessibility Plan

Click here to view information about remote education/blended learning

Behaviour, Attitudes and Rewards Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Click here to visit the Pupil Premium webpage

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

16-19 Tuition Fund

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpage

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trust Policy

Inclusion and SEND

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Academy Accessibility Plan

Supporting pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Local Offer Birmingham

SEND Local Offer video

The careers page can be viewed here

Miss N Yasin the Aspirations Leader is available in the Careers Office 3 days a week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Click here to view the CEIAG Policy

Click here to view the King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Provider Access Policy

Whistle-Blowing Policy

Complaints Policy

Managing Allegations and Concerns Policy

Statutory Accounts

Memorandum of Association

Articles of Association

Funding Agreement

Names of Trustees

Executive Pay

Click here to see schools’ financial benchmarking

Gender Pay Gap Reporting – Multi Academy Trust Statement 2023/24

Scheme of governance

Local Governing Body Members and Committee Structure

Local Governing Bodies: Constitution and Terms of Delegation

Governors-Meeting-Attendance-2022-23.pdf (

Click here to view the latest charging and remission policy

Click here to read our ethos, aims and values at King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy

Foundation Sustainability Statement

GDPR Privacy Notices and Data Policies

Use of Digital Technology Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

All policies for our academy are available here: Academy Policies – King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls Academy (

Should you require a paper copy of any of the information detailed on our website, please contact the main school office on 0121 554 8122

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