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School Help Advice Reporting Page

Safeguarding is a priority at King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy and we endeavour to keep our students safe at all times. We have a dedicated Child Protection team (also known as our Safeguarding Team) that comprises of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and a team of deputies.  Our DSL is Mrs S Dennis and she can be contacted by email on You can also call her on 0121 554 8122.

There is also a strong Student Welfare Team who are always available for young people and families for advice and support.  Please contact the academy if you need any support for your daughter.

The Student Welfare Team are always available for children and young people to talk to about any worries or concerns that they may have.

The Student Welfare Team are:

  • Senior Assistant Headteacher – Pastoral Care and Standards
  • Assistant Headteacher – Welfare and Wellbeing (Lead DSL)
  • SENCO and EAL Lead
  • Safeguarding Manager
  • Pastoral Managers
  • Heads of Year
  • Health and Wellbeing Lead
  • Form Tutors
  • Attendance Officer

All members of the Student Welfare Team hold at least one of the following qualifications, in order to ensure that all of our students receive the best care from us:

-Mental Heath First Aid

-Physical First Aid

-Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Diploma

-Drawing and Talking Therapy

-ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), which is suicide prevention training

Furthermore, we work closely and tirelessly with the appropriate agencies in order to secure external support for our students when required from qualified counsellors, an Educational Psychologist and mental health nurses to name but three.

Please see below for links to external websites that young people and families can access for support with mental health and wellbeing issues:

Mental health support for residents of Birmingham
Charity that supports young people’s mental health.
Charity for prevention of suicide
NHS website giving advice on healthy lifestyles.
Advice and support for children and young people on all matters.
Charity to help young people use online resources safely.
Bereavement support for young people.
Bereavement support for young people.

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