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Character Education fosters the development of ethical individuals by empowering students to embrace good values. Aristotle once wrote, “we are what we habitually do.” The habits that children learn and practice when they are growing up follow them through into adulthood.  Character Education reinforces the “whole child” agenda that shifts the emphasis from academic achievement to long-term learning and personal development.  Whilst KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy are committed to ensuring that all students achieve their personal best, we are also dedicated to ensure that students flourish and become the best version of themselves by:

  • Teaching students about the positive traits that inform their motivation whilst guiding conduct.
  • Providing them with the knowledge, core values and skills necessary for success throughout life.
  • Helping students grasp what is ethically important and how to respond appropriately in a range of situations.
  • Teaching students to consider the right course of action that correlates to a given situation, basing decisions for the right reasons.

At KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy, we strongly value the development of the whole child.  We know that strong examination results are important for future success, however, we strive to provide a fully rounded education whereby our students become great citizens who can function effectively throughout life in modern Britain. To that end, our Academy virtues are at the heart of all we do; we reflect upon these across the Academy. Our 10 virtues are embedded across the curriculum, through our rewards events, assemblies, tutor time, PSHE and personal development days.  

KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy Virtues:

Human flourishing requires the acquisition and development of intellectual, moral, civic and performance virtues.  All are necessary to succeed in life. KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy take pride in promoting our 10 Academy virtues to develop confident, compassionate students, successful learners and responsible citizens.

These virtues (amongst others) can be “caught” from interactions in our community, “taught” through educational experiences and reflection, and “sought” out by people who come to pursue and direct their own character development.

KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy – Character Caught

Character is ‘caught’ at KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy by using this common virtue language with students both inside and outside of the classroom.  Character is caught from staff modelling behaviours and through emotional transmission.  The positive ethos is encompassed in all aspects of Academy life.

KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy – Character Taught

Character is ‘taught’ at KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy through the direct teaching of character education in PSHE lessons, tutor time activities, personal development days, and in all subject areas.  Making character education explicit and visible helps students to understand the importance of developing their characters to embrace life’s challenges, while building an inner resilience to overcome barriers.

KEVI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy – Character Sought

Character is ‘sought’ out at Handsworth Wood Girls Academy through ensuring that all of our students have access to the widest range of learning opportunities through our extensive enrichment programme, competitive house system and wide range educational visits and trips, that contributes to the development of good character.   These pursuits give everyone the chance to experience something meaningful regardless of where they are from or their background.

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