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In our efforts to prepare you for the world beyond education, we take our dedication a step further and support your development as independent, confident, resilient and responsible professionals and citizens through setting professional standards and having an accountability programme that is designed to encourage self-regulation.

Sixth Form Professional Standards

VAAs (Values, Attitudes and Attributes)

  • Build successful working relationships with teachers, peers and any external agencies that you work with, through empathy and respect for all.
  • Demonstrate resilience by ensuring you meet the high expectations of attendance and punctuality.
  • Show a concern for society through respecting the environment, equipment and resources at the academy by taking responsibility for your own actions.
  • Demonstrate a sense of community ethos through compliance with a professional dress code when attending the Sixth Form.
  • Become an integral part of the Sixth Form community by participating positively in events and celebrations, further demonstrating a concern for society.

ACPs (Advanced Cognitive Performance Characteristics)

  • Conduct yourself in accordance with our academy’s high expectations in terms of work ethic and engagement with your learning, demonstrating high standards of self-regulation for class work and independent study, including set home study.
  • Strive for mastery in your subjects through consistently applying relevant HPL ACPs in all lessons.
  • Take responsibility for own progress through self-regulation during independent Scholarship Development sessions, working on content that requires attention based on feedback received from teachers, as well as developing breadth of knowledge through wider reading.

In action, this means that we lay out our expectations clearly and expect our Sixth Form students to conduct themselves in the correct manner at all times, providing appropriate challenge when required. Our day-to-day expectations are as follows:

Students must ensure attendance doesn’t drop below 95% and be punctual to all lessons. Attendance and punctuality are closely monitored.

Dress Code

All year 12 and 13 students must attend the academy in smart business wear. Below is a more detailed list:

  • Smart trousers  –No jeans/denim, no leggings, no jeggings. 
  • Smart skirt or dress – At least at knee length or longer.
  • Shirt or Blouse – No hoodies or causal jumpers.
  • Smart shoes – Soles must be black. No trainers.
  • ID lanyards must be worn at all times.
  • Coats must be off in and around the academy.
  • No denim jackets.
  • Students can wear a plain headscarf in any colour, if they choose.
  • Students can also wear a plain closed jilbab, if they choose.

Jewellery and Make up

Year 12 and 13 students are allowed to wear moderate make up, simple jewellery is also acceptable.

  • Nose studs are allowed
  • No nose rings
  • No hooped earrings


All students must bring the following equipment to the academy everyday:

  • A school bag that is suitable for carrying A4 folder, books and equipment
  • Pens, pencils, ruler, highlighters, etc. (anything else deemed necessary for your courses)  
  • A4 ring binder folders to organise subject notes (Y12 will be given one ring binder during registration)
  • Polly pockets and dividers for A4 ring binder folders
  • Laptop provided by Sixth Form
  • Planners

Mobile Phone Usage

  • Mobile phones are allowed to be used responsibly in the Sixth Form area only.
  • Mobile phones must not be on show around the academy.
  • Mobile phones are only allowed during lessons if the teacher permits.

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